
Keyboardist, Composer / キーボード奏者、作曲家

Interview_Makoto Miura (COLAXO)
Translation_Ben Davis


Every time I see BIGYUKI play I think the same thing. “Is he from the future?” Lyrical phrasing flows over a deep bass groove, moving back and forth between craziness and composure. On stage, he has a way of creating his own world, unlike anything the audience has ever seen before. If there's still a possibility of another Blade Runner sequel, then surely there has to be a scene with BIGYUKI playing a piano at a bar on the outskirts of town.


When I heard a rumor that BIGYUKI was staying in Tokyo, I reached out for an interview. He was spending most of his time practicing the piano at his friend’s studio in Tokyo, which made the interview more valuable than words can explain. From his albums — two full-length, one mini — to his thoughts and feelings from a turbulent 2020 in New York, there was no shortage of topics to discuss.

しかしながら過去を振り返ることにどれほどの意味があっただろうかと感じたのも事実だ。なぜならBIGYUKIにとって過去はあくまで記録であり、彼は現在を生き、常に未来を見つめている。まるで嘲笑うかのように我々を置き去りにするBIGYUKIがこの時なにを考えていたのか? あくまでその記録としてこの記事をお届けしようと思う。気づいた頃にはまた2歩も3歩も彼は先に進んでしまっているだろうから。

However, the interview led me to question the importance of looking back on the past. For BIGYUKI the past is just a memory, he lives in the present, looking towards the future. As he looks back at us with a laugh, what is BIGYUKI actually thinking? This article presents a record of him at this moment. And by the time I realise it, he'll already be a few steps into the future.


I knew I had to be at the forefront

―まず1stアルバムである 『GREEK FIRE』に遡って、どうして自分名義の作品を作ろうと思ったのか教えてください

―Returning to your first album, Greek Fire, why did you decide to start making music under your own name?

ニューヨークでサイドマンとして活動をはじめた時から、ただ与えられたパートをこなすんじゃなくて、少しでも自分のオリジナリティを発揮できるとか、自由を担保させてくれる現場をずっと選んできて、そういう姿を見ていたイグモア・トーマス(現Revive Big Bandリーダー)や周りの連中が“ユキのオリジナルを作れ”って促してくれたんですよ。自分の曲を作って発表するなんて発想もなかったけれど、それまで覚束ない状態だった自分のサウンドが顕在化されると思ったし、自分が矢面に立つんだっていう覚悟がそろそろ必要だった。そうじゃないといつまで経っても評価もされなければ批判もされない。だからまず作ったこと自体が自信に繋がったし、その後の演奏にも説得力が出たと思います。

Ever since I began working as a supporting artist in New York, I've sought out opportunities that provide me with the freedom to show a bit of originality, rather than just complete a given part, and having seen this, Igmar Thomas (leader of Revive Big Band) and some of my other colleagues encouraged me to produce some originals. I hadn’t thought about producing my own songs and was unsure about revealing my sound, but I knew that I had to be at the forefront. If I didn't, my work would never be reviewed nor critiqued. For that reason, simply making something gave me confidence, which enhanced my performances thereafter.

―収録曲である「RED PILL」と「BLUE PILL」のパンチラインは今でもとても印象的です

―The punchlines of Red Pill and Blue Pill are memorable, even today.


When that melody came to me, I wanted to make two different arrangements. The titles came later, but I wanted a pair of words. Not light and shadow, not black and white. With that in the back of my mind, I watched The Matrix and came across the scene where Morpheus offers Thomas a choice between a red and a blue pill. The red would reveal the truth, while blue would allow him to return to his normal life. That inspired the title of the songs.


I'm always aware of trying to create some kind of unknown sensation


―How important are inputs to your work?


I try not to connect my work with movies or books. I think that song ideas should be based more on the senses and I want to create works that surprise even myself. Recently, I've been thinking how dangerous it is to be constantly looking at the screen of a mobile phone. It’s so passive, taking in stimulation in such a casual way. And above all, it's never-ending. I feel like this dependence takes away your imagination.

―2ndアルバム『REACHING FOR CHIRON』の着想についても伺いたいです

―I'd like to hear the concept behind your second album, Reaching for Chiron.

アルバムのコンセプトよりむしろ『GREEK FIRE』と比較してプロダクションの過程が異なったことの方が大切かも。『GREEK FIRE』のときは演奏することを前提にした音楽というか、ライブですぐに再現できるような限定的環境で作ることに重きを置いていたんですけれど、『REACHING FOR CHIRON』ではもっとプロデューサー的な立ち位置で制作しました。スタジオで作り込むことの可能性を知ったし、立ち位置が変わることでスタジオの中で起こる決定的瞬間をより正確にキャプチャすることができた。アーティストって完全主義者になろうとする癖みたいなのがあるから、誰かと組むことで客観性を保てるんだと実感しましたね。あと一連の制作に置いては、ある種の“異物感”が生まれることをずっと意識しているんですよ。無理矢理持ち込んだ要素が予想外に機能してしまうような、そんなカタルシスを得たのがこのアルバムでしたね。

Rather than the concept, I think it's more important to say that the production process was completely different to Greek Fire. Greek Fire was about making music to be performed, so in order to make songs that could be reproduced live I worked in a controlled environment, but for Reaching for Chiron I took on more of a producer's position. I knew the possibilities of what could be made in a studio, so by changing my stance I was able to capture the key moments more precisely. Artists have a habit of being perfectionists, but I realised that by working with someone I could stay more objective. During the production process I'm always aware of trying to create some kind of unknown sensation. By forcing different elements together in a way that somehow worked, I felt like this album provided a sense of catharsis.


There’s going to be an explosion of culture


―You’ve recently been working with some West Coast artists, how do they differ to those in New York?


*BIGYUKIが参加したマーク・ジュリアナのアルバム『Beat Music! Beat Music! Beat Music!』は第62回グラミー賞にノミネートされた

Los Angeles is generally seen as commercial while New York is creative, but despite this, Kamasi (Washington), Thundercat and other West Coast artists share a sense of solidarity and are proud to have been doing creative things locally from a young age. Everyone is organically connected, from Flying Lotus' Brainfeeder to LA's hip-hop artists, so there’s a real crossover scene emerging. It's a really interesting time, full of excitement. Also, the pandemic has led many artists, such as (Robert) Glasper and Mark Guiliana, to relocate from New York.

*BIGYUKI worked on Mark Guiliana's album, Beat Music! Beat Music! Beat Music!, which was nominated for the 62nd Grammy Awards


―Despite that, what keeps you in New York?


COVID-19 has made me think constantly about my reasons for being in New York. The city is usually filled with so much stimulation, but for the first time, I sensed a void. However, as a result of having been under so much pressure, I think there’s going to be an explosion of culture. I don't want to miss that moment. Even now, my friends have been updating their home recording setups and there are still things I want to do with them. As long as I have friends to pursue creativity with in New York, there is no reason for me to leave.


I felt a strong sense that I was part of society


―What have been your feelings during lockdown?


It was a bit strange to begin with, wasn't it? The information about infections was complicated, so I was doing my best to grasp the situation. While my music had stopped completely, there was a strong sense of solidarity and support among my friends. When I thought about how I could contribute, I knew I had to do something. In my case, that meant talking in Japanese about what was happening in America, because of the George Floyd incident. I took in the information and recognising that I had to form my own opinions, I read the Washington Post quite a lot. It was incredibly stressful, but I think that being in America at that time was a valuable experience. I felt a strong sense that I was part of society.


―Aside from what you felt, what did you learn?


I learnt a lot about racial discrimination. Ever since the United States was founded there has been discrimination, but while it appears to have improved, those changes are only really on the surface. The problems are so deep-rooted that the overwhelming pressure of COVID-19 only had an impact on people’s sense of civility. What happened to George Floyd was a symbol of that. I think that the Black Lives Matter protests that followed were not a case of Black people versus white people, but the discriminators versus the discriminated. For example, Asian people were not excluded from these complex problems. Looking back at the history of the United States, Asian people were scapegoated for being a model minority. By treating diligent, hard-working Asians well, America presented itself as an ideal society. All kinds of things unfolded before my eyes, so putting in the effort to understand them resulted in my identity as a musician being torn away.


I want to remove that armour and create with a greater sense of freedom


―Despite that your mini album, 2099, was released in 2020.


I'd been constantly making songs for my new album, but most of them were still in pre-production. But in a year like 2020, when society was completely upturned, the reality was that I had to force myself to release something that captured what I was feeling. That's why it's a mini album. If it weren't for this situation, there would have been a string of impactful songs, like the lead track “Joy,” filled with an unknown sensation, but the reality was that the other four tracks went in a completely different direction, shaped by my feelings about various facets of society.


―Your next work may be in a completely different style.


I've been practising the piano a lot lately. After returning to Japan, I performed solo for the first time and feel like I'm working to find myself again and open up new possibilities. It's partly because I can't play with a band at the moment, but I'm really enjoying the piano on my own. I'm working on what I've avoided up until now and as a composer, I’m hoping to be able to write some new songs. On the other hand, during production I used to be surrounded by equipment, which may have provided a sense of security, but I now feel like I want to remove that armour, which I have been polishing since moving to America, and create with a greater sense of freedom. I don't really know what my next work will be, but I feel like I'm confronting my music and want to expose myself even more.



6歳からピアノを習い始め、クラシック・ピアノを学ぶ。高校卒業後に奨学金を獲得しアメリカの名門バークリー音楽大学へ入学。同級生には、グラミー賞最優秀新人賞を獲得したベーシスト/ヴォーカリストのエスペランサ・スポルディングや、故プリンス、トム・ヨークらとも共演を重ねてきた新鋭トランペッターのクリスチャン・スコットなど錚々たる顔ぶれが並ぶ。卒業後拠点をボストンからニューヨークに移し、タリブ・クウェリやビラルのバンドに参加。その知名度を上げていった。 2016年Hip HopのレジェンドであるQティップが所属するグループ=ア・トライブ・コールド・クエストの『We Got It from Here… Thank You 4 Your Service』に参加・楽曲提供。アルバムは全米チャート1位を記録する。同年はJ. Coleの『4 Your Eyes Only』にもミュージシャンとして参加し、全米チャート1位を獲得。日本人としてはじめて全米1位作品に2タイトル参加する記録はオノ・ヨーコを越える快挙。 自身のオリジナルとしてはこれまでにフルアルバムを2枚(『GREEK FIRE』『REACHING FOR CHIRON』)とミニアルバム(『2099』)を発表。ジャズ~ソウル~ヒップホップが交差するニューヨークのミュージック・シーンで“現在最も注目されているアーティスト”だ。

BIGYUKI began learning the piano at six years of age and went on to study classical piano. After graduating from high school, he received a scholarship to study at the prestigious Berklee College of Music. His classmates included bassist and vocalist Esperanza Spalding, winner of the Grammy Award for Best New Artist, and emerging trumpeter Christian Scott, who has played alongside Thom Yorke and the late Prince. After graduating, he relocated to New York, making himself known through work with the likes of Talib Kweli and Bilal. In 2016 he featured on We Got It from Here… Thank You 4 Your Service, by hip-hop legend Q-Tip's group A Tribe Called Quest, which went on to reach the top of the US charts. In the same year he featured as a musician on J. Cole's 4 Your Eyes Only, once again reaching number one on the charts. In doing so he became the first Japanese artist to feature on two chart-topping albums in the United States, surpassing Yoko Ono. He has released two full-length albums, Greek Fire and Reaching for Chiron, and a mini album, 2099. In the New York music scene, where jazz, soul and hip-hop intersect, he is currently the artist to watch.



6歳からピアノを習い始め、クラシック・ピアノを学ぶ。高校卒業後に奨学金を獲得しアメリカの名門バークリー音楽大学へ入学。同級生には、グラミー賞最優秀新人賞を獲得したベーシスト/ヴォーカリストのエスペランサ・スポルディングや、故プリンス、トム・ヨークらとも共演を重ねてきた新鋭トランペッターのクリスチャン・スコットなど錚々たる顔ぶれが並ぶ。卒業後拠点をボストンからニューヨークに移し、タリブ・クウェリやビラルのバンドに参加。その知名度を上げていった。 2016年Hip HopのレジェンドであるQティップが所属するグループ=ア・トライブ・コールド・クエストの『We Got It from Here… Thank You 4 Your Service』に参加・楽曲提供。アルバムは全米チャート1位を記録する。同年はJ. Coleの『4 Your Eyes Only』にもミュージシャンとして参加し、全米チャート1位を獲得。日本人としてはじめて全米1位作品に2タイトル参加する記録はオノ・ヨーコを越える快挙。 自身のオリジナルとしてはこれまでにフルアルバムを2枚(『GREEK FIRE』『REACHING FOR CHIRON』)とミニアルバム(『2099』)を発表。ジャズ~ソウル~ヒップホップが交差するニューヨークのミュージック・シーンで“現在最も注目されているアーティスト”だ。

BIGYUKI began learning the piano at six years of age and went on to study classical piano. After graduating from high school, he received a scholarship to study at the prestigious Berklee College of Music. His classmates included bassist and vocalist Esperanza Spalding, winner of the Grammy Award for Best New Artist, and emerging trumpeter Christian Scott, who has played alongside Thom Yorke and the late Prince. After graduating, he relocated to New York, making himself known through work with the likes of Talib Kweli and Bilal. In 2016 he featured on We Got It from Here… Thank You 4 Your Service, by hip-hop legend Q-Tip's group A Tribe Called Quest, which went on to reach the top of the US charts. In the same year he featured as a musician on J. Cole's 4 Your Eyes Only, once again reaching number one on the charts. In doing so he became the first Japanese artist to feature on two chart-topping albums in the United States, surpassing Yoko Ono. He has released two full-length albums, Greek Fire and Reaching for Chiron, and a mini album, 2099. In the New York music scene, where jazz, soul and hip-hop intersect, he is currently the artist to watch.