Every time I see BIGYUKI play I think the same thing. “Is he from the future?” Lyrical phrasing flows over a deep bass groove, moving back and forth between craziness and composure. On stage, he has a way of creating his own world, unlike anything the audience has ever seen before. If there's still a possibility of another Blade Runner sequel, then surely there has to be a scene with BIGYUKI playing a piano at a bar on the outskirts of town.
When I heard a rumor that BIGYUKI was staying in Tokyo, I reached out for an interview. He was spending most of his time practicing the piano at his friend’s studio in Tokyo, which made the interview more valuable than words can explain. From his albums — two full-length, one mini — to his thoughts and feelings from a turbulent 2020 in New York, there was no shortage of topics to discuss.
しかしながら過去を振り返ることにどれほどの意味があっただろうかと感じたのも事実だ。なぜならBIGYUKIにとって過去はあくまで記録であり、彼は現在を生き、常に未来を見つめている。まるで嘲笑うかのように我々を置き去りにするBIGYUKIがこの時なにを考えていたのか? あくまでその記録としてこの記事をお届けしようと思う。気づいた頃にはまた2歩も3歩も彼は先に進んでしまっているだろうから。
However, the interview led me to question the importance of looking back on the past. For BIGYUKI the past is just a memory, he lives in the present, looking towards the future. As he looks back at us with a laugh, what is BIGYUKI actually thinking? This article presents a record of him at this moment. And by the time I realise it, he'll already be a few steps into the future.