What is the standard image of a tap dancer? If it's something like a scene from an old musical, where a popular Caucasian actor dances some elegant steps with a cane in hand, it might well be time to update our perceptions. The tap dancer being introduced today has a style that, beyond being elegant, is stoic and filled with intensity. At the same time, his background is far from conventional.
1996年ニューヨーク州の郊外に日本からひとりの若者が辿り着いた。彼の名は、熊谷和徳。生まれ故郷の仙台で15歳のときグレゴリー・ハインズ主演の映画『タップ』に感銘を受けてタップダンスをはじめ、本場への憧憬を抱いてからまだ4年目のことだった。摩天楼からは遠く、想像とはかけ離れたこの場所からスタートして熊谷はずっとステップを踏み続け、その後世界が賞賛するタップダンサーとなる。米ダンスマガジンが選出する『世界で観るべきダンサー25人』のひとりとなったことも、アジア人としてはじめて米ダンス界最高峰と呼ばれる『BESSIE AWARD』を受賞したことも、単なる憧れから月並みな努力で成し得た業ではない。呼吸をするように、生きる証を伝えるように観客の心をタップするダンサーの過去と現在を確認すため東京からコンタクトを取り続け、現在彼が拠点とするブルックリンでついに対面の機会を得た。
In 1996, a young Japanese man arrived in the suburbs of New York State. His name: Kazunori Kumagai. Four years had passed since Sendai-born Kumagai had been inspired to start tap dancing at the age of 15, having seen Gregory Hines perform in the movie Tap. Starting out far from the New York of his dreams, he continued to dance his way towards becoming a world-renowned tap dancer. He went on to be selected as one of Dance Magazine's “25 to watch” and was the first Asian recipient of the Bessie Award, the pinnacle of the American dance world, achievements that come from more than just mediocre effort and aspiration. In order to understand the past and present of Kumagai, a tap dancer who connects with audiences by showing what it means to be alive, I contacted him from Tokyo until we finally had the chance to meet at his home in Brooklyn.