
Photographer / フォトグラファー

Interview_Makoto Miura (COLAXO)
Photography_James Fitzgerald (Parker’s portraits)
Translation_Ben Davis


Published in Portland, Oregon, Kinfolk’s focus on small gatherings saw the magazine attract fans from the Japanese lifestyle scene almost immediately after it launched. It was the early 2010s, a time when even Japanese people, who tend to follow Western culture closely, were growing tired of materialism. Kinfolk captured the beauty of life itself, presenting something fresh and drawing praise and a loyal following in Japan. One day, after hearing that a Kinfolk photographer was in Japan, I came across a foreigner speaking Japanese in the press room of a fashion brand. The photographer was Parker Fitzgerald.


When it came to the interview, I soon learned that my image of Portland may now be a thing of the past. The world has changed unimaginably over the past few years. Time is no longer our friend, the past is history. Living in the present means imagining the future, which is an attitude that makes sense now more than ever.


Somebody was giving me permission to focus on one thing


―How did you become a photographer?


It's a bit of a funny story, but I’ll try to be brief. After graduating from university, I worked as a design intern. During the 2008 financial crisis the company I was working for went out of business, but around a month before that, my boss was looking at some of the photos on my Myspace page and said that I could be a great photographer. But back then, what I really wanted to be was a manga artist, because I loved Japanese culture, and honestly at the time I was really against the idea of taking photos as a career. Anyway, for the next few years I ended up working as a freelance designer, while also doing some illustration and photography work on the side. One night I watched a documentary, Jiro Dreams of Sushi, which follows the story of Jiro Ono, the legendary sushi chef. He talks about the honour in deciding on a profession, then practicing it and mastering it. I was profoundly moved and it was as though somebody was giving me permission to focus on just one thing. Long story short, I decided that I would take a break from everything else and try photography. My boss turned out to be right after all.


―What attracted you to Japanese culture?

最初はマリオブラザーズなど、子供の頃に知った日本のゲームがきっかけだね。自分は5歳だったと思うけど、とてもゲームが好きで父親がプレゼントしてくれたソフトに刻まれたMade in Japanの表記を見て、日本に魅力を感じ始めたんだ。それから日本の歴史や侍の文化にどんどんのめり込んでいった。観光で日本を訪れたことはあったものの、自分が日本のクライアントと仕事をするようになって、それらの知識が浅はかであることを痛感したよ。まだオタクの域だった。最初に仕事で来日したのはKINFOLKの日本特集で、篠島という愛知県の小さな島を訪れた。当時はまだひらがなが少し読める程度だったから、一緒にいた友人女性にまず知るべき日本語を尋ねたら、とにかく礼儀正しくしていれば間違いないだろうからってことで、「恐縮です!」という日本語を教えてくれたんだ。ちょっとおかしいよね。さらに彼女は、間違って「給食です!」と言わないよう注意してくれた(笑)。

In the beginning, when I was a little kid, it was Japanese games like Super Mario Brothers. I loved games and one day, about the age of 5, I found “Made in Japan” written on the disk that my dad had given me, and I began to think: Japan sounds amazing. I became obsessed with Japanese history and samurai culture. I visited Japan a few times, but it wasn’t until my first shoot for a Japanese client that I realised I didn't actually know that much about Japan, just kind of the cliche otaku stuff. My first trip to Japan as a working photographer was for a Kinfolk feature about a tiny island off the coast of Aichi prefecture called Shinojima. I knew absolutely no Japanese at the time (maybe a few hiragana characters), but I was there on this small island with a friend and I remember asking her, 'If you had to teach me one phrase, what would it be?' She told me that ‘In Japan, the more polite you can be, the better. The most polite thing you can say is kyoshuku-desu’ which will sound funny coming from someone who speaks no other Japanese.’ And so that was the first thing I learned to say! She was careful to teach me not to accidentally say “kyushoku-desu” (school lunch) haha.


I feel like my business mindset is a bit nationless


―How did it differ from American culture?


The one surprising thing was how, from an American standpoint, Japanese people are so indirect. You have to read between the lines. Maybe it's similiar to the Korean concept of ‘nunchi’, which I learnt from my brother's Korean wife—about being able to perceive people's needs before they even verbalise them. America is obviously very direct and so now, having really begun my commercial career with Japanese businesses like Uniqlo and Honda, I sometimes find it hard to be direct when working in America. When I think about this, I feel like my business mindset is a bit nationless, stuck somewhere between Japan and the US.


―What has been your best work to date?


That’s a tough question. I don’t know if it’s my best work, but there’s one shoot I think about a lot. There was a Chilean model who had moved to Portland and got married here, and she asked me to take some photos of her and her son. Not long before the shoot, my wife and I found out we were pregnant. I was soon going to be a father and so the shoot felt meaningful for both the woman and me. Then, around a week after that shoot, my wife miscarried. I couldn’t even stand to look at the photos for awhile after that. But then, we got pregnant again and now have a three-year-old boy. The photos remind me that becoming a parent is a big step into a different phase of life.

Photo by Parker Fitzgerald


―What other shoots have been particularly memorable?


Kinfolk got kind of big in Japan and so I did a lot of work there for the magazine. Around that time, I also had the chance to shoot for a German magazine. They emailed and asked if I was going to be in Japan and could do a shoot with someone named Jiro Ono. It was complete serendipity. All of a sudden, I was shooting photos of the man who had convinced me, indirectly, to become a photographer. He's really strict, so it was the most stressful shoot I’ve ever done. While they're not my best photos, they mean a lot to me.

Photo by Parker Fitzgerald


―By the way, why did you decide to be based in Portland?


I grew up in Colorado and after graduating I took an internship opportunity in Vancouver, Washington. It's just across the river from Portland. I come from a pretty conservative part of the country and everyone would make fun of Portland for being where all the hippie liberals live, so when I found out that I would be living right across the river, I thought, ‘I can't do that’. But there was actually so much good creative energy coming into Portland at the time. There were so many young people who couldn't afford Seattle or San Francisco, but had a lot of talent and were just trying to make it. There was a lot of camaraderie and I met lots of musicians and photographers. Of course Portland has the nature element as well. You can drive 20 minutes in any direction and there's something just incredibly gorgeous.


―Portland was heavily featured in Japanese magazines.



The pandemic has really changed the city. It used to be like a creative playground, but it now feels more like a political battleground. The government has kind of let everyone down in the last couple of years and there are huge problems with violence, gun violence and homelessness. I've lived here longer than anywhere in my life, but my wife and I have been seriously thinking about moving — we just don't know where to.

I used to dream of working and living in Tokyo. However, the success of Kinfolk meant that there were a lot of advantages to being able to say that I'm from Portland, especially around the time when Kinfolk was huge in Japan. That all has kind of changed though. Even before 2020, I think the shine of Portland was already wearing off in Japan, but I think there’s been a pretty big disconnect between Portland and Japan ever since the lockdowns. So anyway, who know what’s next?


―Do you have any influences outside the world of photography?


Well, becoming a father has had a massive impact on me. More than anything, it's just changed my life. On the other hand, the last two years have made me think a lot. In the modern world, I think there is a catastrophic crisis of human purpose. The way we've over-digitised everything and broken up our families and communities is really poisonous. The older I get, the more I'm motivated by the overpowering need to create something that's beautiful and has weight in the world, something that shows the importance of community connection and purpose to those around me.


We can just be kinder and have grace for one another

Photo by Parker Fitzgerald


―Last of all, please share your three wishes.


Firstly, from a business standpoint, I’m working on a project called ‘A Life’s Work’ and I'd love to be able to turn it into my main focus. The project began in Japan, where I did a shoot with a sword-polisher (togishi) who’s father was diagnosed with terminal cancer. From that one story, I ended up spending the last few years following stories of people doing culturally significant things on the verge of extinction. The aim is to make a book and a film or series about them. I’m really trying to focus on stories that exemplify the need for human purpose community and preservation of culture. So far it’s been the most fulfilling thing I've done as a photographer.


Apologies if my second wish is a little too personal. It’s about family and children. Long story short, my wife and I would like to have more kids. We're getting older and, well, we're in that part of your life where time is just not your friend. We'd like to have more kids, but it hasn't been so easy second time around. I have a three-year-old and being a dad is by far the most fun, fulfilling and life-giving thing I've ever done — way beyond any kind of success in work or anything else. I really hope that we are able to grow our family.


My last wish is for the world. In the last two years the world has become so divided. People just don’t have patience with one another. And it seems like even Western countries are now just moving towards a Chinese style of authoritarian governance. This is a really scary time, as we’ve seen with the war in Ukraine as well. In these times, I hope that we can just be kinder and have grace for one another. To allow for redemption, that would be my wish.

Parker Fitzgerald


ウィスコンシン州 ミルウォーキー生まれ。コロラド大学ビジネスカレッジ卒業。Ransom Limitedの創業者のひとりで国際的に活躍するフォトグラファー。主なクライアントにNike、Honda、UNIQLO、KINFOLKなど。写真や映像を駆使して、真摯な作品からポジティブなインパクトを創出する。

Born in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and graduated from the University of Colorado Business College. As co-founder of Ransom Limited, he works internationally as a photographer for clients including Nike, Honda, Uniqlo and Kinfolk. Using photography and film, he aims to create positive impact through earnest work.

Parker Fitzgerald


ウィスコンシン州 ミルウォーキー生まれ。コロラド大学ビジネスカレッジ卒業。Ransom Limitedの創業者のひとりで国際的に活躍するフォトグラファー。主なクライアントにNike、Honda、UNIQLO、KINFOLKなど。写真や映像を駆使して、真摯な作品からポジティブなインパクトを創出する。

Born in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and graduated from the University of Colorado Business College. As co-founder of Ransom Limited, he works internationally as a photographer for clients including Nike, Honda, Uniqlo and Kinfolk. Using photography and film, he aims to create positive impact through earnest work.