Bright red and juicy, Italian tomatoes excite our taste buds, while the British Tomato stimulates all five senses, leaving a lasting impression. The latter continues to evolve organically, shifting forms with the transience of water. This is Tomato, the London-based creative unit.
TOMATOの中でもサイモン・テイラーは日本との関わりが深い人物だろう。90年代より世界を圧巻したDJ・プロデューサー集団United Future Organization(以下U.F.O)とのコラボレーションから、ファッションではアーバンリサーチとのパートナーシップで10年に渡りコレクションを発表し続けたWORK NOT WORKまで枚挙に暇がない。
Among Tomato’s members, Simon Taylor may well have some of the deepest links to Japan. From collaborations with United Future Organization (U.F.O), the world-beating DJ and producer unit from the 1990s, to partnering with fashion company Urban Research to launch Work Not Work a decade ago, Taylor's projects are both numerous and diverse in nature.
In the three decades since Tomato was founded, how has Taylor viewed Tokyo and Japan from his base in London? Speaking slowly and with his usual gentle tone, he shared his story.