物体として水は実に自由だ。熱くもなれば冷たくもなり、手に収めることもままならない。だからこそアーティスト達は水に魅了されるのであり、作品のモチーフとしてそれを採り入れる。ジャズシーンにおいても例えばイスラエルのラフィ・マルキエリは2010年にその名も『Water』というアルバムを残した。バーゼルのユミ・イトウが3年の歳月をかけて完成させた『Stardust Crystals』もまた水のように変幻自在なアイデアと止めどなく溢れてきたインスピレーションによって、楽曲に星屑が反射している。
As an object, water is truly free. It can become hot or cold, but it can never be held. Perhaps that’s why artists are fascinated by water, often using it as a motif within their works. In the jazz scene, Israel's Rafi Malkiel released his album WATER in 2010. Basel-based artist Yumi Ito spent three years working on Stardust Crystals, an album of sparkling songs based on endless inspiration and dreamy ideas with water-like transience.
Drawn to this dazzling light, I was keen to hear Ito's story. I wanted to learn the secrets behind her unique sound, for which she sings, composes and arranges all of the elements. But when I looked behind the veil, there was no magical recipe to be found. The reason being that her music isn't derived from any material input, instead it is truly organic, giving form to the feelings inside her.
As an artist, her image is mysterious, like something that suddenly appears in the woods, and so it may not be possible to articulate in its entirety. However, that may be for the best. In order to face her music, there needs to be some sort of white space. Without that, you would undoubtedly be drawn inside, unable to ever come back.